Building what we have is not something that can happen overnight, and it's certainly not something I can do alone.

Ilhan for Congress

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Friends -

I'm writing this morning to respectfully ask for your $3 contribution to our campaign before tonight's FEC fundraising deadline. Let me explain why this request is so important, especially today.

Here's the truth:

Being a member of Congress, going to work representing my community and fighting for working people every day is truly one of the joys of my life. It's a privilege and an honor, and one I have never once taken for granted.

But if I had to pick the worst part about this job, I would quickly tell you it is — by far — the obscene amount of money it requires to run successful campaigns.

It's a part of the reason so many of my colleagues in Washington are happy to take checks from corporate PACs. Or Wall Street billionaires. Or massive, polluting fossil fuel companies.

It's easy.

When I first ran for Congress in 2018, I knew that's not how I would do things. And I'm one of only a small number of people in Washington who will proudly be able to tell you that.

I'm extremely fortunate — every hour I don't have to spend dialing for dollars or asking the wealthy and powerful for campaign contributions is another I get to spend fighting for policies that help working people, supporting my constituents, or being with my family.

But ever since I began organizing in my community in Minnesota, I've known that building what we have is not something that can happen overnight, and it's certainly not something I can do alone.

It takes a grassroots movement, and a tremendous amount of hard work, guts, sweat, and tears to be able to take on millions of dollars in dark money and outside spending over and over again.

And doing what we do — funding our campaigns together, $5, $10, or $50 at a time — means that from time to time I do have to ask. And today is an important one of those days:

Can I count on you to make your first contribution — of $3 or anything you can — before tonight's official FEC fundraising deadline ends at midnight? Your support means everything to our campaign, and I wouldn't ask if it weren't so fundamental to our success.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

Thanks in advance for contributing today. Believe me when I say that this movement's support is not something I take for granted.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033