I am very pleased to share this news with you! The civil order against Caroline Farrow has been dropped, and it's all thanks to the thousands of generous donations to ensure she got the best legal defense possible. I want to express our sincere gratitude on behalf of Caroline. However, most unsettling is that she still faces a significant challenge: the possibility of a criminal investigation. Caroline is living in limbo, with her professional and personal life on the brink of being destroyed. The stress and suffering that she and her family are enduring are unimaginable. That's why they need our support and solidarity to keep their spirits up.
I encourage you to send a message of support to Caroline and her family to let them know that they are not alone in this battle. Send them your message of encouragement, today.
Join us in sending countless emails from across the globe. Your support for her and her family will be greatly appreciated. I will personally travel to the UK to deliver your message to her. By sending messages of support, you can remind Caroline that she is not alone in this fight and that we are all standing with them.
Thank you for your continued support! Antonio Velázquez and the entire team of CitizenGO PS: Please share this message with your family, friends, and contacts, to multiply the impact. Together, we can make a difference in Caroline's case and show our support for her and for free speech. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Breaking News: Civil Order Against Caroline Farrow Dropped! However, the nightmare for Caroline and her family is not over yet: the criminal investigation continues, so Caroline's family requires our constant prayers and support. All this has taken its toll on her professional and personal life. The stress and suffering she and her family have endured are unimaginable. Please, join in showing our support for Caroline and her family. Send Caroline a message today! |
Dear John,
We have some great news to share! The civil order against Caroline has been dropped, and it's all thanks to the thousands of generous donations from CitizenGOers around the world which enabled us to hire a top-notch lawyer to defend her. However, a criminal investigation is still looming, so Caroline and her family are in continuous need of our prayers and our support. I want to express my gratitude on behalf of Caroline (regrettably, she cannot sign or send any information related to this matter due to legal reasons). Caroline is now free to use social media, email, or even text her husband and children. She is no longer limited to one phone and monitored device. The Police cannot enter her home to check compliance. It's hard to believe this nightmare happened to a mother of five young children… But it's real and ongoing, as the battle isn't over.
Please, click here to share a heartfelt message of encouragement with Caroline and her loving family today. There is also space for you to write a personal note.
I will personally go to England to deliver your message of encouragement. During this time, Caroline has been living in limbo, with her professional and personal life on the brink of being destroyed. The stress and suffering she and her family have endured are unimaginable. Thanks to Caroline's lawyer, the police have dropped the Stalking Protection Order (SPO) that would have imposed severe restrictions on her. However, she still faces a significant challenge: the criminal investigation. The transgender accuser is pursuing Caroline civilly for allegedly revealing private information about his criminal sexual offenses (which are public knowledge and were addressed in an open court). The police have sent Caroline's file to the Crown Prosecution Service, who will decide whether to pursue criminal charges. There is no date set for this trial yet, and the uncertain future still overshadows the recent joy after receiving the news.s
Show your support: Send Caroline a message to let her know you stand with her.
Because of people like you, we've been able to secure the best legal representation for Caroline, giving her a fighting chance to have her side of the story heard. As you may remember, the police gave her only 48 hours notice before the court date, denied her access to question her accuser, and demanded a judge rubber-stamp the protective order. By hiring a high quality lawyer -- and one who shares our values and outrage of the abuse of Caroline's rights -- we were able to turn the tables on the police and her accuser. Your support made this possible. Caroline and I are deeply grateful. I am calling on our CitizenGO community to rally around Caroline and her family during this difficult time with prayers and a personal message of support. It will only take a moment, and mean so much! By sending a message of support, you can remind Caroline and her family they are not alone in this fight and that we are all standing with them. Just imagine how crucial it is for her to feel loved and supported. As the Director for Campaigns Global at CitizenGO and a dear friend of Caroline’s, I'll personally travel to the UK to deliver your message to her.
Be a beacon of hope: Send your message of support to Caroline today. Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of this incredible community. Antonio Velázquez and the entire team of CitizenGO --