Every family in Michigan deserves access to quality, affordable early learning and child care that meets their needs. Since I took office, we have made record investments in our kids, from pre-K through postsecondary education. During my State of the State address earlier this year, I proposed a bold goal?Pre-K for All by the end of my second term in office. This week, we passed yet another historic budget which will expand free pre-K for up to 5,600 kids, saving their families $10,000 a year. This is a critical step towards Pre-K for All, a goal we will accomplish by the end of my second term to put every kid on the path to a brighter future. Delivering Pre-K for All will improve long-term health, education, and social outcomes for children and lower costs for families.
I want to hear from you about how to make Pre-K for All work for you and your community. ?Take a couple of minutes to fill out this form and share any feedback you may have. Together, we can save families money, ensure every child gets a great start, and build a brighter future for Michigan.
 Gretchen Whitmer