Support The Fight to Protect Activists

Hello John,


The fight to protect the right to protest has reached a critical juncture. The Government is determined to criminalise peaceful demonstrations. Powerful corporations are manipulating the legal system to silence dissent. It's clear that we cannot stand idle.

Over the past 18 months, Extinction Rebellion has fearlessly challenged injunctions imposed by corporate giants like Shell, Esso, and HS2. But the battle is far from over. In order to continue our relentless pursuit of justice, we urgently require ?80,000 within the next three months.

Your donation today will make a tangible impact in safeguarding the fundamental right to protest, preserving our democracy, and holding those who seek to silence us accountable. Together, we have the power to protect the rights of those on the frontlines, fighting for a livable planet and a just society.

In solidarity,

XR UK Legal Fund


PS Do you know someone you can share this email with? This will help ensure much needed legal support is in place even quicker.


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