Dear John,
Maryland parents have fought and won a battle to stop dangerous legislation that jeopardized parental rights, including the ability to opt out of objectionable curriculum and subject matter.
Now the Montgomery School Board is attempting to silence parents and hold a closed meeting to vote on a policy attempting to disallow a parents right to be notified and right to opt out, a current right afforded by most states across the country. This School Board is citing bogus safety concerns as their excuse to exclude tax-paying parents from the decision-making process.
On Tuesday many parents rallied at the Montgomery School Board over a proposal that prohibits parents from exercising their right to opt-out kids from classes and books that indoctrinate kids on sexuality and gender.
Progressive elected School Board Members, State Board of Education Members, and Teacher’s Unions are organizing and becoming very aggressive in their attempts to establish total control of the cultural education of our children, asserting themselves as the primary authority over what our children should be exposed to including comprehensive sex education, gender fluidity, and trans indoctrination.
Most parents want public education to focus exclusively on the fundamentals of reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and history and believe that the national standard for sex education should remain confined ONLY to biological sex education no earlier than 5th or 6th grade.
This week we launched a special Maryland State Campaign directed our emails, petitions, phone calls, and social media efforts at all school board members and the state legislature, putting them on notice!