Dear John
New Zealand is in recession and we have a cost-of-living crisis. We
need a growing economy so we can lift incomes for all, restore law and
order and deliver better health and education.
In this issue:
- Christopher Luxon Visits
- Policy Updates: Infrastructure, Restoring Law and
King's Birthday
- Tokoroa Business Park
- Out and About
- Upcoming Engagement
Christopher Luxon Back on Track Visits

I know many of you have been wanting an opportunity to meet Leader
of the National Party and Opposition Leader Christopher Luxon.
I will be hosting him at a public meeting at the Great Lake Centre,
5 Story Place, Taupō on 6 July at 1 p.m. to outline how National will
get New Zealand back on track.
He will also hold a public meeting at the Cambridge Town Hall on 31 July at 5 p.m.
National's Policy Announcements

We rely on high-quality, modern and resilient infrastructure like
roads, water and electricity. It is necessary for economic growth,
enhances productivity and resulting incomes, and improves our
National has a track record for delivering world-class
infrastructure. Our Roads of Significance programme, including the
Waikato Expressway, is proof of that.
If elected on 14 October, National
will create a National Infrastructure Agency to coordinate public
infrastructure investment and use innovative funding and financing
tools to boost investment.
We will create a 30-year
infrastructure plan to give long-term certainty and reduce project
costs, work in partnership with local government for regional
projects, and fast-track the consents process. See our policy
for more details.
Restoring Law and Order
National will end Labour’s
soft-on-crime experiment. We will increase consequences for crime,
give more support to victims, and ensure remand prisoners get proper

New Zealanders have a right to be safe, but over the past five
years, violent crime has increased by 33 per cent, gangs are growing
faster than the Police, and retail crime has doubled.
National will back
Police to tackle gangs. We’ll ban gang patches and insignia in
public and prevent gang members gathering in public spaces.
Firearms Prohibition Orders will give police extra
powers. Gang membership will be considered an aggravating
factor in sentencing.
Repeat, serious,
young offenders will go to military academies to help them turn
their lives around. Others will be electronically monitored or have
intense supervision. They all deserve a chance at success.
Young offenders will only receive reduced sentences for youth and
remorse once. The Three Strikes policy will be restored for serious
Taxpayers will no longer pay for written cultural reports about
offenders’ backgrounds designed to reduce sentences. Eight were
submitted in 2017. More than 2400 were submitted last year.
Victims will be supported with counselling or transport to court
hearings for example.
Currently, not all remand prisoners who are locked up awaiting
trial or sentencing have access to all rehab programmes.
National will help prisoners turn their lives around by making all
prisoners eligible for rehabilitation projects.
There will be real consequences
for crime.
King's Birthday Honours
Congratulations to Shanelle Barrett, Taupō, who was recently
awarded the Member of New Zealand Order of Merit for services to
triathlon. The honour was well-deserved after such a significant contribution to the sport over such
a long period – especially her work encouraging and enabling
Maraetai Road Intermodal Business Park Tokoroa
After advocating alongside elected members and staff of South
Waikato District Council, Tokoroa residents and others in the Waikato
region, I am delighted that the government has committed $3 million to
South Waikato District Council for the Maraetai Road Intermodal
Business Park in Tokoroa.
New businesses bringing up to 200 new jobs to Tokoroa will be a
boon for the town. It will give school leavers new opportunities to
work in the district. It will help Tokoroa become the thriving hub it
should be.
Out and About

It was great seeing so many farmers
and rural businesses back at Fieldays this year.
Farming is so essential to our electorate's livelihood and
communities. Agriculture contributes 11 per cent of New Zealand’s GDP,
14 per cent of employment and 81 per cent of our goods exports.
It was clear from discussions that
the cost-of-living crisis is taking its toll. Farmers and business
owners are concerned about the impact of high interest rates and
emissions policies.
National is committed to reaching Net Zero by 2050.
We need to lower agricultural emissions without decimating our most
important economic sector or converting productive food-producing land
to pine forests.
National believes technology is the solution – particularly
biotechnology – and we look forward to working with farmers to
introduce new laws which will enable New Zealand to take advantage of
its potential.
Volunteer Week 2023: He wā pīataata – Time
to shine

It was lovely catching up with so many of you over coffee during
Volunteer Week when I hosted events in Taupō, Tokoroa and Cambridge to
thank our volunteers. You are all stars!
I visited Interlock New Zealand Trust, Riding for the Disabled, and
the Salvation Army in Cambridge last week. I also visited the Volunteer Fire Brigade in Tokoroa, the
Care NZ Community Animal Rescue Op Shop and Cattery in Taupō, and the
Lake Taupō Hospice Shop.
I came away inspired by your care and
generosity. You represent the true Kiwi spirit. I also came away with
a kitten!
I recently attended the Cambridge Citizens Advice Bureau's 40th
birthday. Cambridge Citizens Advice Bureau was one of the few bureaux
which operated during the Covid-19 lockdowns, taking calls from as far
away as Kaitaia and Invercargill.
You should all be justifiably proud of your achievements!
Opening of the new care suites at Arvida Lauriston
It was a pleasure to open the new care suites at Lauriston Park
retirement community. They provide an extra level of support, giving
residents peace of mind that they can continue to be cared for onsite
in familiar surroundings as their circumstances change.
Friendly Forums
We had some lively discussions at recent Friendly Forum meetings
across the electorate. Struggling to pay for food, power, rates and
petrol was one of the biggest concerns from superannuitants on fixed
School truancy, youth crime and law and order, co-governance,
growth of bureaucracy in government agencies, child poverty, 3 Waters
and issues for dairy farmers were also discussed.
You can read about National's plan to get New Zealand back on track
Upcoming engagement opportunities
Friendly Forums:
4 August – Cambridge 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m., Taylor Made Community
Space, 22A Taylor Street, Cambridge.
11 August – South Waikato 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m., South Waikato Sport and Events Centre, 25 Mossop
Road, Tokoroa.
18 August – Taupō 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m., Lake Taupō Rotary Club, 12
Story Place, Taupō.
Facebook Live
Join me online to discuss the issues that currently concern you. My
next live chat will be:
11July 8 p.m.
Electorate Assistance
If you need help from my team, please get in touch.
Phone 07 8275572 or email [email protected]
Phone 07 8865554 or email [email protected]
Phone 07 3765563 or email [email protected]
Kind regards,
Hon Louise Upston