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Dear Friend,
It’s go time!! Right now, we’re circulating a rolling billboard around the Moms For Liberty summit in Philadelphia, noting that their agenda – including banning books, attacking Black history curricula, stigmatizing and isolating trans and LGBTQIA+ students, and censoring lessons on slavery and other parts of our history – is a toxic and harmful embarrassment to moms everywhere.
“What the what!?” You might be thinking something like... Protesting a so-called moms group with things like rolling billboards isn’t “normal” for MomsRising. Well, the Moms For Liberty situation isn’t one that can be normalized, so we are speaking up – and we need you to join us in speaking out too.
The Lowdown: The Southern Poverty Law Center was right to designate Moms for Liberty as a hate group [1] — a designation that was given even before a local Moms For Liberty chapter was caught quoting Adolf Hitler. [2] Polls show, and moms know, that Moms for Liberty is lying when they suggest they represent moms. Their agenda is not America's moms’ agenda. In fact, moms fully reject the division and hate that Moms for Liberty spreads. Their right-wing education agenda is completely out of touch with what moms and women want, which starts with secure access to reproductive health care including abortion, and a care infrastructure with paid family and medical leave for all, affordable child care, and home-based services for seniors and people with disabilities. Their movement is nothing short of a toxic embarrassment to moms and to our country. In reality, they promote an agenda and use tactics that are abhorrent to America’s moms. [3]
Unfortunately, several Republican presidential candidates are joining Moms for Liberty at their summit in Philadelphia this week. So we need all of our currently elected leaders to know that Moms for Liberty does NOT speak for us.
Moms across party and demographic lines do NOT want a few parents to be able to ban books from school libraries, isolate and stigmatize LGBTQ+ students, or deny students honest, accurate, age-appropriate history education. We have the polling to prove it.
Instead, the vast majority of moms want the freedom to be there for our children and families when we’re needed most, to choose what’s best for our families, to send our kids to schools where every child belongs and can thrive, and to be able to earn equal pay and a living wage. It’s well past time for policies that allow our children to have the best start in life, parents and care workers to thrive, and our elders the best possible golden years.
By signing on to our MomsRising Moms for Freedom Agenda, [4] you can help unite and lift us all – and reject censorship and bullying. These policies are:
Let’s send a strong message to Moms for Liberty and to all elected leaders: Moms are watching, we are rising, and we don’t stand for hate!
- Jenny, Monifa, Kristin, Donna, Nate, Elyssa, and the whole MomsRising.org & MamásConPoder Team
P.S.– Did you see our recent video exposing Moms for Liberty as the bad actors they are? Please watch and share: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
[1] https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moms-liberty
[2] https://news.yahoo.com/moms-libertys-hamilton-county-chapter-012657450.html
[3] https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.momsrising.org/images/FINAL_LRP_MomsRising_2023_Mothers_Day_Survey_Memo.pdf
[4] https://www.momsrising.org/blog/the-top-10-policies-every-leader-should-support-right-now
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