Here’s a dose of reality, John:
We’re nearly four months out from a make-or-break election for Mississippi, and Brandon Presley is already falling behind on his biggest end-of-quarter fundraising goal yet.
Brandon tells me he needs to raise $50,000 online before tomorrow night to keep his campaign in full swing. And right now, they’re nowhere near that.
There’s no way I am going to sit by and watch this campaign lose to a self-serving buffoon like Governor Tate Reeves. So do me a favor and donate whatever you can right now to help Brandon give Tate the swift kick in the behind he rightfully deserves >>>
If you’re still not motivated to step up today, consider this: it's not just Democrats who are rallying behind Brandon; even Republicans are jumping on board. According to a shiny new poll, one in five GOP voters says they’d vote for Presley over Reeves in November.
Can you blame them? I mean, really?
Tate Reeves is already in hot water over the largest public corruption scandal in Mississippi history. And let’s not forget he’s notorious for neglecting working families while catering solely to special interests and lobbyists.
Mississippi CAN do better, and Brandon Presley is the real deal. But we need to help him push through this crucial end-of-quarter fundraising and get him elected.
I don’t care where you live, I need you to step up and donate ANYTHING you can to help Brandon mobilize every voter to save Mississippi from Tate’s disastrous leadership >>>
Let’s do this!
James Carville
