Your Storm Heaven Intentions Today!

Dear Friend,
Today’s Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul is a momentous
occasion for His
Eminence Cardinal Raymond Burke…
The June 29th Solemnity also coincides with the Forty-Eighth
Anniversary of Cardinal Burke’s Ordination in the Royal Priesthood.
This is the Twenty-Eighth Year that His Eminence celebrates his
Consecration as a Bishop in 1995.
And tomorrow, June 30, Cardinal
Burke celebrates his 75th birthday!
Together, with God’s grace and your prayers, Cardinal Burke
has the stamina of a newly ordained priest, on fire for God and Holy
Mother Church. His Eminence travels extensively to preach the Gospel,
offer Pontifical High Masses, administer the Sacrament of Ordination,
speak at Catholic Conferences,
Shrines, and Religious
Institutions. We also celebrate that he
offers Holy Masses on the first of the month for
Operation Storm Heaven and all of our
intentions. His Eminence and I also meet on our
Catholic Action Insight channel, as well as answering
questions from our family of supporters with feature episodes,
Conversations with Cardinal
The July 1 Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass offered
by Cardinal Burke on the Feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
and First Saturday is only days away. Have you
your intentions that will be remembered in the Holy Mass? Please
include an intention of thanksgiving and a petition for all of
Cardinal Burke’s needs.
His Eminence will be offering a private Holy Mass on July
1 for all Operation Storm Heaven Rosary Warriors, as well as all of
the intentions that will be submitted in Ireland, at 7:00 AM Irish
Standard Time. The Holy Mass on July 1 will not be
As a Rosary Warrior, I would like
to invite you to present your new or updated intentions and
prayer requests for
Operation Storm Heaven before the 1st of July.
Thank you for being part
of Cardinal Burke's Rosary Crusade Operation Storm
I would also like to encourage you to recite the Holy Rosary every day
as Our Lady requested, if you do not do so already.
If you know others
who have intentions and would like to submit them, and to help others
join Operation Storm Heaven, please forward this email to your family
and friends and ask them to click here.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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