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This is a climate emergency, John.

More than 100 million Americans, from Missouri to Florida, are grappling with a deadly record heatwave, with temperatures soaring to 20 degrees above normal.

Graphic that says alerts about the record heatwave passing through the Southern U.S.

The heatwave has already killed over a dozen people. A postal worker in Dallas, TX was killed by the crisis on his route from the high temperatures. Inmates across the South are reportedly being “cooked alive” while facing the heatwave without access to air conditioning. Allowing this to continue is cruel and inhumane.

Meanwhile, in the Midwest and the Northeast, people are advised not to leave their homes to avoid inhaling harmful smoke from Canada’s worst wildfire season ever. The air quality is so bad that some U.S. cities — like Chicago, DC, and Detroit — are leading the world in worst air quality. 

The climate crisis is here and it’s only going to worsen if we don’t demand our leaders take action that meets the scale of this moment. Sign our petition to call on Biden to declare a Climate Emergency NOW. 👈


By declaring a climate emergency, President Biden can mobilize the necessary resources, and public support to combat this crisis. It’d send a clear message that his administration is committed to taking bold and decisive steps to mitigate climate change, protect vulnerable communities, and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

What we’re witnessing is not an isolated event but a clear manifestation of the climate crisis caused by the fossil fuel industry and the billionaires that profit from them. Climate change is intensifying heat, prolonging its duration, and increasing the likelihood and severity of extreme weather. 

Whether it’s from extreme heat or unbreathable air, Americans are confronted with the hard choice of missing work or facing health risks. We cannot stand idly by while the consequences of climate change continue to exacerbate the lives of millions. We need you to join us in taking action today — can you take 1 minute to sign our petition to demand President Biden declare a climate emergency?


- Sunrise Team