Responsibility Is The Path To Freedom


One of the biggest questions I'm asked is, 'What's the meaning of life?'. This question implies there is a meaning to life. Perhaps there isn't a meaning. The better question would be, 'Where do people derive the meanings in their life?' 

What is the antidote to the suffering of life? The highest possible goal. What is the prerequisite to the pursuit of the highest possible goal? Willingness to adopt the maximum degree of responsibility. 

Then, when you wake up in the middle of the night and the doubts crowd in, you have some defense: "For all my flaws, at least I am doing this. At least I am taking care of myself. At least I am of use to my family, and to the other people around me. At least I am moving, stumbling upward, under the load I have determined to carry." 

While the responsibilities outlined are socially mandated roles to some degree, you would not wish to demolish them because you're left with nothing. Having nothing is not a good place to be. It's not freedom. For example, it's foolish to think that freedom is the ability to choose between jobs, not to choose whether or not you have a job. 

If you're looking to better orient yourself and live a more meaningful life, my Discovering Personality Course gives tools and mental models to learn more deeply about yourself and those around you. 

For Independence Day, the course is 47% off. You will also receive free access to the Understand Myself "Big Five" personality assessment.


Enroll Now
Happy Independence Day,

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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