HUGE majority of Americans think the Biden Administration has done a BAD JOB at the U.S. Mexico border. . . . . . Our allies in Congress are working to FIX THIS MESS -- but they need help to get their border bill over the finish line Help us increase the pressure! Dear John, A new survey by Pew Research found that 73% of American adults think that Pres. Biden is doing a bad job of dealing with border security. Even 62% of Democrats disapprove of how he is handling "the large number of people seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border." I'm writing this to you, John, because I know that you are one of those people who feel very strongly about this. I want you to know we're here fighting for you. Recently, we were key in getting the U.S. House of Representatives to pass H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act. We made sure the bill included mandatory E-Verify because huge numbers of illegal aliens won't even try to come if they know they won't be able to earn money in America. In fact, we worked closely with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH 04) to make this bill as effective as possible. Unfortunately, we didn't have the votes we needed for passage in the Senate to get the language from the bill included in the debt-ceiling bill. So it's absolutely urgent we get those votes before the NEXT time Congress has a bill they feel they must pass. The bad news is that we cannot succeed without your support. The good news is that we have some very generous donors lined up to match whatever you can give. That means for every dollar you give, we get two. *** 2-FOR-1 MATCHING CAMPAIGN ***
We've been fighting this fight for many years. And we're winning. When someone complains to you that the situation isn't improving, just remember that it wasn't very long ago when Republicans held both chambers of Congress, and legislation like this would've gone nowhere, because BOTH parties favored open borders. There's probably a lot of Republicans who still like massive, uncontrolled immigration. . . but the party as a whole has learned that they can't ignore immigration and still win elections. But we need your continued support! Just look what happened in the last few election cycles: coronavirus dominated the election debate, the open-borders crowd got their guy elected, and Biden and the Democrats' leadership has gone hog-wild allowing chaos on the borders. It's this simple: In just about any contestable race, if what's on voters' minds is immigration, our supporters win. The open-borders crowd will stop at nothing to distract voters. We can't let that happen. Just imagine what we could do if we could get every candidate in every primary, and every nominee in every election to consider how they can prove that they're going to stop illegal and unhelpful immigration. I must be crystal clear here: We don't raise money for political candidates. Federal regulations say we're not allowed to . . . . because that's not the reason we exist. We make sure that voters are thinking about immigration, that they know what harm massive and uncontrolled immigration does, and that they know who they can believe when politicians promise to do something about it. The open-borders organizations will always spend more than we could ever raise. But all the money in the world won't help them win elections if voters know they have sold Americans out. Even so, we need to pay our bills. Remember: right now your dollar is even more powerful than ever, because some of our most generous donors have agreed to an extended campaign to match every dollar we raise.
If you're thinking about maybe giving some time, but haven't made your mind up, PLEASE DON'T PUT IT OFF! Campaign donations can often wait because people often make up their mind about who to vote for just a few days or weeks before elections. We have to change candidates' minds about which positions to take. That doesn't happen in the days before an election. That needs to happen TODAY. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Be well, Dan Marsh P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. |