Friends -

This is Joe Kerr, 34-year Fire Captain and labor leader. 

For the last three decades, I've been running toward the problem - inside burning buildings, putting out fires, responding to disasters, and saving lives.

All while protecting working Californians as the first President of the Orange County Professional Firefighters Association, VP of the California Professional Firefighters, and VP of the Orange County Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO).

Now I'm running for Congress because we need someone who will run toward the problems facing our Nation - and solve them, not ignore them.

Washington D.C. is riddled with gridlock, corruption, divisive rhetoric, the lack of civility, and grandstanding. Career politicians like Young Kim are adding fuel to the fire - and I know how to put those out.


I'm reaching out to you because I have a critical fundraising deadline tomorrow at midnight and I want to put Young Kim on notice - we're coming for this seat and we're going to win.

Can you help by donating $50, $100, $250, $500 or even more towards our campaign? The maximum allowable contribution is $3,300 per individual per election.

Click below here to contribute today!


Thank you for your support. I'm incredibly grateful.


Joe Kerr