I’ll never get chippy with you, folks. It’s just not my style.
But the truth is, our Senate campaign is in a bit of a crunch right now. And I don’t mean to ruffle any feathers, but I could really use your help right about now.
Our campaign’s first-ever FEC End-of-Quarter deadline is TOMORROW at midnight, and I couldn’t stand it if we crumbled just before the finish. And that’s NOT just a bag of hot air—we need YOUR grassroots support if we’re going to win Maryland’s Senate race.
So please, will you take one last bite at our End-of-Quarter goal and chip in $25 before it’s too late? I would hate for my team to be salty if we fell just short of our goal.
Thanks for chipping in!
P.S. — Yes, I know this email was cheesy. But I had no other choice than to dip into my very last bag of chips tricks so you knew how important YOUR donation was to the success of our campaign. Please, chip in $25 before tomorrow’s midnight deadline. >>