John, I'm ready to shake up the system as the next Governor of Mississippi. Will you join me before my end-of-quarter deadline — my biggest deadline yet?
Together, we’ll defeat one of the most unpopular governors in the country.
We’ll restore integrity to our state’s highest office and put an end to the corruption that’s plagued our state since the moment Tate Reeves stepped into the governor’s office.
We’ll save our hospitals and expand Medicaid in our state, because not only is it the right thing to do, it’s what the vast majority of Mississippians want.
And that’s just the start of what we will achieve together, John.
But right now — I’m up against my biggest deadline yet. I need your help, now more than ever before, to hit my $50,000 end-of-quarter goal, defeat Tate Reeves, and ultimately, shake up the system in Jackson. This is a direct and personal request: Will you chip in $25 before the June 30th deadline?
Thank you,
Brandon Presley
