MARCH ON is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions led the way for progressive victories in 2020 and 2022. Now, we're gearing up to stop Trump’s comeback in 2024.



Approximately 7.1% of Americans identify as LGBTQ+ – but despite this, LGBTQ+ judges make up just 1.6% of the federal judiciary. 


And there has never been an openly transgender, non-binary, or bisexual judge on a federal court.


Our federal courts are missing critical LGBTQ+ representation and perspectives – so we’re calling on President Biden’s administration to nominate more LGBTQ+ judges and ensure equal justice for all.


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Thank you for being a strong supporter of MARCH ON, Friend.

Our women-led team is working 24/7 to take the energy from our first Women's March to mobilize the most robust Democratic voter turnout operation in our nation's history.

Alongside activists like you, we’re constantly doing the work to further our progressive agenda and hold elected officials accountable.

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Our on-the-ground work in states like Arizona and Georgia would not be possible without the support of grassroots Democrats. We’re gearing up to mobilize millions of voters ahead of the 2024 election, and we need your support.

Rush a donation to MARCH ON now to boost voter turnout ahead of 2024 >>

Paid for by MARCH ON