Let’s zoom out for a second.
The graph above is a visualization of The Humane League’s entire operating budget, as compared to Walmart’s advertising budget. (That’s right. It’s not Walmart’s whole budget. It’s not even half of it. It’s the slice they put into advertising alone.)
That’s really something, isn’t it?
Our VP of Policy and Strategy recently put together this graph, and I wanted to pass it along to you. Looking at it, anyone could feel intimidated. Even terrified. But you know how I feel while looking at it?
Driven. Exhilarated. Fearless. And here’s why.
Corporations this big, this profitable, this all-powerful, are afraid of us.
We're not just shifting the entire supply chain of this one company (which, I have to say, is quite an achievement in itself). Nope. We’re shifting the supply chains of hundreds of companies—transforming the landscape of the entire food industry to root out the worst forms of animal abuse.
PepsiCo. Dunkin’. CVS. Kellogg’s. One by one, these corporate giants have all caved to pressure from people like you—and promised to spare millions of hens from battery cages, one of the most heart-wrenching inventions animals have ever been forced to endure.
And we’re going to be the thorn in their sides until they actually. follow. through.
I’m showing you this graph not because I want you to feel intimidated, but because I want you to know just how much your donation matters. Just how meaningful your support really is. Just how critical you are to this movement—and to the animals who are depending on us.
The fact that we’re even tackling the meat industry—let alone winning!—is a mind-blowing feat. Do you think we can do this because of massive funds and political influence? No. You’re the reason we can do this. It’s your voice. It’s your donations. It’s you, showing up day in and day out, to fight the forces of cruelty that have shaped the status quo for way too long.
To corporate giants, we may seem small, but we always prove unstoppable. We are in the room with executives who have the power to end horrific animal abuse. We know exactly how to get under their skin—and we’re impossible to ignore. But we can’t fight this fight without you.
It feels like a good time to share a quote I once heard. “Think you’re too small to make a difference? Try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.”
I believe in us! Thanks for believing in us, too.

Vicky Bond
President |