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Builders Love Governor Holcomb!

It's Valentine's Day, and there's no doubt that love (and a whole lot of support in this election) is in the air this week. That's because the Indiana Builders Association -- an organization made up of builders, remodelers, developers and subcontractors in the residential and light construction industries -- endorsed Governor Holcomb for reelection!

And this isn't just any endorsement. This is the Indiana Builders Association's first ever endorsement! In their 68 years as an organization, the group has never before come out in support of a gubernatorial candidate. But when it comes to Governor Holcomb, they see a leader who is bringing jobs to our state and building an even better place to live and work.

The Indiana Builders Association is joining the Indiana State Police Alliance and the Indiana Chamber of Commerce with this endorsement. The Indiana Builders Association is 2,700 members strong, with members employing 350,000 Hoosiers. And they're focused on Putting People First in every community in our state...just like Governor Holcomb, which is why he's thankful to have their support.

-Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Governor Holcomb joins Indiana Builders Association President Brett Harter, CEO Rick Wajda and members across the state as the organization formally endorses Governor Holcomb for reelection this year!

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Helping Hoosier Educators & Students Succeed

This week, Governor Holcomb listened to teachers and signed legislation that will ensure Indiana’s students, teachers and schools will have time to successfully adjust to the new ILEARN. Holding schools harmless allows educators to remain focused on helping Hoosier students succeed and delivering a quality education.

Holding schools harmless during this transition period is a key part of Governor Holcomb’s 2020 Next Level Agenda. Governor Holcomb is continuing to deliver results for all Hoosiers and is working hard to continue Putting People First!

Chairman Hupfer Joins Indiana Latino Legislative Breakfast

On Tuesday, Chairman Kyle Hupfer joined the Indiana Latino Institute for the group's annual legislative breakfast. At the event, he highlighted Governor Holcomb's record of success and the importance of Indiana Republicans continuing to broaden our outreach to more Hoosiers from minority communities.

Here's an excerpt from his speech: 

“As I said at our state convention a couple years ago, we have got to make a more concerted effort to grow diversity and inclusion within our ranks. Our policies are great and right, but communities of color need to not only see and know someone that looks like them in our party, but also know that we’re a big tent and we welcome new ideas and fresh debate around important issues. We don’t have to agree all the time... that’s part of what makes us strong and differentiates us from the other side. We want—we need—people who bring different things to the table but share common values. Values like caring for our most vulnerable... the value of hard work, knowing that hard, honest work is the best way to improve your life and the lives of your family. We believe that good policy happens when we listen—not talk at—people and communities. Both the Governor and I are committed to this.” 

Join Us at the 2020 Republican State Convention!

The Indiana Republican State Convention will be June 19-20 in Indianapolis. We've updated our website with information you'll need about state convention, so if you're planning to attend, make sure to check it out. This includes:

  • Delegate Fees: If you're in a non-contested race for a delegate spot to this year's convention or if your county chair appoints you to an open delegate spot, you can now pay your delegate fees here.
  • Hotel Room Block: The room block for two downtown hotels is now open! If you plan to stay overnight in Indianapolis, reserve your room now! More info is available here.

Meet Senator Braun in South Bend!

Next Wednesday, the St. Joseph County Republican Party is hosting a meet and greet with Senator Mike Braun. All Republicans are welcome! If you plan to attend, get more information and RSVP here!

Upcoming Republican Events

February 19: Perry Township Lincoln Day Dinner with Governor Holcomb 
February 22: Adams County GOP Breakfast 
February 22: Washington Township Lincoln Day Dinner with Chairman Kyle Hupfer
February 22: Dubois County Lincoln Day Dinner
February 22: Lake County Lincoln Day Dinner with Senator Todd Young 
February 22: Washington Township Lincoln Day Dinner with Chairman Kyle Hupfer
February 28: Johnson County Lincoln Day Dinner with Gary Varvel 
February 28: Vanderburgh County Lincoln Day Dinner with Governor Holcomb 
March 3: Pike Township Lincoln Day Dinner with Chairman Kyle Hupfer
March 7: Miami County Lincoln Day Dinner with Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch & Congresswoman Walorski
March 13: Clay County Lincoln Day Dinner with Senator Mike Braun
March 14: Wells County Republican Trivia Night 
March 14: Tipton County Lincoln Day Dinner with Chairman Kyle Hupfer 
March 19: Hamilton County Lincoln Day Dinner
March 21: Grant County GOP Candidate Forum 
March 26: Bartholomew County Lincoln Day Dinner with Chairman Kyle Hupfer
March 27: Elkhart County Lincoln Day Dinner with Governor Eric Holcomb 
March 27: Fayette County Lincoln Day Dinner
March 30: LaPorte County Lincoln Day Dinner
April 1: Kosciusko County Republican Spring Fish Fry
April 3: Hancock County Lincoln Day Dinner with Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch
April 3: White County Lincoln Day Dinner with Diamond and Silk
April 4: Union County Lincoln Day Dinner with Congressman Greg Pence
April 9: Shelby County Lincoln Day Dinner with Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch 
April 11: Blackford County Lincoln Day Dinner with Congressman Jim Banks
April 16: Kosciusko County Lincoln Day Dinner  
April 17: Perry County Lincoln Day Dinner with Congressman Larry Bucshon & Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch
April 18: Greene County Lincoln Day Dinner with Congressman Larry Bucshon
April 20: Floyd County Lincoln Day Dinner with Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch 
April 22: Rush County Lincoln Day Dinner with Chairman Kyle Hupfer
April 24: Decatur County Lincoln Day Dinner with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
April 24: Lawrence County Lincoln Day with Chairman Kyle Hupfer
April 30: Gibson County Lincoln Day Dinner with Governor Holcomb 
May 1: Meet Sarah Huckabee Sanders
May 1: Dearborn County Lincoln Day Dinner with Chairman Kyle Hupfer
May 2: Adams County Lincoln Day Dinner with Governor Eric Holcomb
May 5: 2020 Primary Election
June 19 – June 20: Indiana Republican Party State Convention
July 22: Kosciusko County Republican Golf Outing 
September 5: Wells County Reagan Rally
October 7: Kosciusko County Republican Fall Fish Fry
October 15: Lincoln-Reagan Fall Dinner with Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch 
November 3: General Election Day

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb is grateful the South Shore doubling tracking advances
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch & OCRA honor rural community projects
Senator Todd Young discusses policy initiatives in Southern Indiana
Senator Mike Braun is recognized for his strong pro-life stance 
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski is honored for support of AmeriCorps and Senior Corps
Congressman Jim Banks praises President Trump's budget
Congressman Jim Baird welcomes Purdue ag students to Washington
Congresswoman Susan Brooks introduced bill to improve school safety
Congressman Greg Pence explains why Trump supporters are so passionate
Congressman Larry Bucshon emphasizes need to pass legislation on autonomous vehicles
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth highlights the new U.S. jobs report

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