Ground Game Texas


Ground Game Texas makes its biggest impact through elections — and right now we are planning for a huge election cycle in 2024.

Our goal is to place popular, progressive issues on the ballot in at least six cities, as a way to turn out more Texas voters for everything from city and county office to U.S. Senate and President.

In particular, we’ve identified key parts of the state where our investment will go the furthest. That includes some of the places we are working now — like Hidalgo County in South Texas and Bell County north of Austin — but also in a key battleground region, North Texas.

Help us plan campaigns to boost voter turnout out across Texas in 2024. Chip in today!

A big campaign in Dallas or Fort Worth or Arlington, on an issue like marijuana reform, could add tens of thousands of new voters. We know this because our campaigns last year demonstrably increased turnout among young voters, Black voters, and infrequent voters.

With your support, we will build local coalitions, design popular policies, and gather the resources for successful 2024 campaigns.

Support Ground Game’s work to build a roadmap for change.

Our organizing never stops. We are committed to long-term change in Texas. Thank you for being a part of this work.

In solidarity,
Mike Siegel
Political Director