Plus, why are members of Congress ignoring certain trafficking victims?
Plus, why are members of Congress ignoring certain trafficking victims?
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Early progress for the 2020 Dirty Dozen, a battle in Alabama, and more!

Thousands are already taking action via the 2020 Dirty Dozen List

With mentions in The Washington Post, Fox Business, and many more, the 2020 Dirty Dozen List is off to a strong start with over 10,000 Actions taken in just one week!
Better yet, the pressure is already working! We hope to have exciting victory updates soon as certain members of the 2020 list have reached out to us based on your advocacy work.
If you haven't checked out the new members on the 2020 list yet, including this year's exclusive "Baker's Dozen" addition, it's time to dive in and take one (or more) of the easy Actions we've created to help motivate these massive companies to change.
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Alabama's resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis is urgently needed

National Center on Sexual Exploitation board member Melea Stephens, LPC, MMFT has just written a powerful and important op-ed supporting the Alabama Resolution to Declare Pornography a Public Health Crisis as it faces opposition in the lead up to a vote on the resolution by the Alabama House of Representatives.
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STATEMENT: The National Center on Sexual Exploitation Calls on Visa and Mastercard to Stop Processing Payments at Pornhub

“Pornhub is founded on, and produces, sexual exploitation. Recent cases of sex-trafficked children and adults have been found on this website, and advocates have found a disturbing lack of age verification to even upload pornographic videos,” said Patrick A. Trueman, president and CEO of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.
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Why Are Members of Congress Ignoring Sex Trafficking Victims Helped by FOSTA-SESTA?

We are astonished to hear Members of Congress, most recently Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, question the value of FOSTA-SESTA, landmark legislation that makes online sex trafficking illegal and allows victims and their families to sue for damages.
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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