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Gov. Evers Orders Flags to Half-Staff in Honor of?Private First Class Clinton P. Koloski Who Lost His Life During World War II |
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MADISON ? Gov. Tony Evers signed Executive Order #206 ordering the flags of the United States and the state of Wisconsin to be flown at half-staff on Fri., June 30, 2023, in honor of?Private First Class Clinton P. Koloski, who lost his life conducting combat patrol near Obermuhlthal, France, during World War II?and whose remains have been identified and returned to Wisconsin for burial.
?We are glad to welcome Private First Class Koloski home so that he can finally be honored and laid to rest in his home state,? said Gov. Evers. ?Private First Class Koloski gave his life in defense of the values and freedoms we hold most dear, and on behalf of the state, we are forever grateful for his service, selflessness, and sacrifice.?
On January 14, 1945, United States Army Private First Class Clinton P. Koloski of?City Point, assigned to Company A, 36th Engineer Combat Regiment, was killed conducting combat patrol near Obermuhlthal, France, during World War II. After the war, remains were recovered from the area where Private First Class Koloski was lost but could not be identified due to technology limitations at the time and were interred at Rh?ne American Cemetery in France. In 2006 and 2007, Private First Class Koloski?s identification tags were found near Obermuhlthal, and in?2016, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency excavated the site but found no further remains, and the unknown remains interred at Rh?ne American Cemetery were later exhumed and identified as Private First Class Koloski?s.?
Private First Class Clinton P. Koloski will be buried in Beloit on Fri., June 30, 2023.
Executive Order #206 will be in effect from sunrise to sunset on Fri., June 30, 2023, and is available here.
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An online version of this release is available here. |
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