The Dignity Act, a bipartisan immigration bill that was introduced by Reps. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Florida) and Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) last month, signals a pivotal opportunity to make meaningful changes to our immigration system.
This bill can bring both parties to the table and open the conversation around permanent, practical solutions that advance secure, orderly, and humane border management while ensuring that our immigration system meets the needs of our workforce.
We believe this bill should continue to gain and sustain momentum, so we’re educating the public, setting the record straight, and asking our constituents across the country to
urge their members of Congress to co-sponsor the Dignity Act.
But to expand our reach, we need your support.
That’s why this end-of-quarter we’ve set a goal to raise $10,000 to support our work. Will you make a gift that can help us reach that goal while moving the Dignity Act forward?
We know that moving this bill isn’t going to be easy. We also know advancing bipartisan immigration reforms has support across the nation – from Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike.
time is ripe for meaningful immigration reform – and the Dignity Act is a viable way to make that happen together.
Support our end-of-quarter fundraising efforts today. Make a gift now >>
With appreciation,
Catalina Talero Vice President & Chief of Advancement National Immigration Forum
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