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Adults still behave like we’re in high school by joining in with cliques, showing off with bullyish behaviors, and following trends to keep up appearances as the ‘in crowd’.

Congress is no exception. When House Democrats all moved in lockstep against the American people even though it drives us closer to financial ruin and prolongs our dependence on China, it showed how voiceless they consider the rest of us to be. Despicable! 

Nevadans need a political outsider representing them in DC, one who won’t be coaxed to join in with the ‘cool crowd’ or be strong-armed into casting a vote that will be devastating to Americans. 

My end-of-quarter fundraising deadline is 24 hours away, and I’m asking for your support of my determination to go against the establishment grain and put the interests of the American people front and center!

John, it’s time to break the trend of Big Government Clubs that we’re not in, and frankly, don’t want to be.

A contribution of any amount today will help show the DC establishment that Nevadans prefer to have a citizen legislator that hears AND responds to the voices of the people!
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For Nevada,
Elizabeth Helgelien
Candidate for U.S. Congress, NV-3
Paid for by Elizabeth for Nevada
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