Dear Friends, With only two days left in Torture Awareness Month, we are in the final days of NRCAT’s June fundraising campaign. Will you contribute to NRCAT today with a donation of $25, $50, $125 or more to strengthen our interfaith work to end torture? • $25 will provide NRCAT stickers and buttons to a university student organization to distribute in support of ending torture. • $50 will allow us to ship virtual reality equipment for a community event. • $125 will provide an honorarium for a survivor of solitary confinement to lead a public education event in support of a state or local campaign to end solitary. • $250 will help NRCAT provide local support to a grassroots advocacy event to close Guantanamo. • $500 will fund a screening or virtual program with NRCAT’s film documentary, Torture In Our Name, by a faith network or state advocacy campaign to end solitary confinement. Through your donation, your advocacy, and your prayers, thank you for your ongoing support of NRCAT today and every day. With gratitude for you, Rev. Ron Stief Executive Director | |