Hi John,
I want to give you an update John. Yesterday, we sent the Attorney General a powerful message: that Tommy Robinson must be prosecuted.

Thousands of HOPE not hate supporters signed an open letter to the Attorney General about Tommy Robinson’s hateful and libellous documentary about Jamal Hijazi, proving the overwhelming public interest in this case.
Thousands have also chipped in for the vital legal fees to help bring the rest of the case together. We’ve given the Attorney General a wealth of evidence against Tommy, showing that he’s broken a court order by releasing his hateful and libellous documentary. But there's more to do.
Together, we want to show that Tommy is not above the law, and that justice for Jamal will ultimately win out. Tommy is a hateful grifter, exploiting a young man’s misery for his financial gain. We will always stand up to him.

The Attorney General will take her time to review the evidence and make a decision on how to respond. This could take months, but whatever happens, I make this pledge to you John, that I will update you when we know more.
Like I say, cases like this can take time and we need your support to push this forward.
Are you able to join thousands of other HOPE not hate supporters and chip in to help us meet the legal costs?
Chip in for legal costs
A huge thank you again for standing with Jamal to bring Tommy to justice.
Nick Lowles - CEO at HOPE not hate
P.S. If you want to find out more about the case read our blog here: https://hopenothate.org.uk/2023/06/08/tommy-robinson-breaks-court-injunction-and-could-be-heading-back-to-prison/