Hakeem Jeffries

Friend, I’m about to reveal what’s going on behind the scenes, so listen up:

FIRST: Extreme MAGA Republicans raised a recording‑breaking $38 million to defeat us.

THEN: They used that massive campaign war chest to attack 35 swing‑seat Democrats.

NOW: The latest polls show Team Extreme has taken the lead by a staggering FIVE points.

I know Republicans and their special interest donors think they can attack Democrats with vicious lies and turn voters against us.

I also know that we have what it takes to rise up and prove them absolutely wrong.

That’s why I just launched a rapid‑response fund to raise 1,000 gifts before my critical End of Quarter Deadline in two days to outraise the GOP’s mega‑donors and help Democrats win back our majority. I’m relying on your donation to rush funds to critical races nationwide, counter Republican attacks and connect with the voters we need to win in every battleground district. Will you split a donation between me and March On PAC to help me kick off this unbeatable campaign operation, propel our Democrats to victory and hand right‑wing extremists a shocking defeat? >>

2023 Democratic Donor

FOR: Friend ([email protected])
Suggested Support: $25 >>

I’m done watching extreme MAGA Republicans spread their dishonest smears without consequence, Friend.

But what we do – or fail to do – right now could decide the course of this entire election.

We can either sit back and allow Republicans to build a massive war chest and lie their way into power again…

Or we can band together and meet this moment with a response so historic that nothing can deter our victory.

I need 1,000 supporters like you to chip in before my End of Quarter Deadline to help Democrats regain our lead in the polls, withstand expensive attacks from Republicans and prove we will not allow them to buy their way out of the humiliating election defeat they deserve. Can I count on you to split a gift between me and March On PAC right now to reclaim our majority For The People? >>

Rush $5 >>
Rush $25 >>
Rush $50 >>
Rush $100 >>
Rush $250 >>
Rush a custom amount >>

Keep the faith,


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to win again by taking back the House, saving the Senate, and defeating Donald Trump once and for all!!!

Donate now to elect Democrats

Chip in now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →

Remember: if we allow Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans to seize power this election, all of our hard-earned progress will be destroyed. We CANNOT afford to lose!

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to chip in to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

Chip in now to elect Democrats → Make a monthly contribution to elect Democrats →