Dear John,
At Plastic Pollution Coalition (PPC), we educate, connect, and advocate for a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts. As we head into Plastic Free July, we wanted to share how we’re doing each of these things just in the past month.
To educate, we took a group of Hollywood television and film writers on a Plastic Pollution Toxic Tour in Los Angeles, California, to show them the realities of plastic’s endless toxic existence and remind them that entertainment could help Flip the Script on Plastics. We worked with our allies in the Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) movement to launch the Guide for Journalists: Reporting on Greenwashing & False Solutions to Plastic Pollution, to educate journalists about false solutions and emphasize the importance of truth in the media. We also hosted a highly attended webinar about how plastic impacts health, climate, and our
oceans featuring Dr. Sylvia Earle. Dr. Wallace J Nichols, and Imari Walker-Franklin, PhD. We published a New York Times Letter to the Editor as well as a Q&A in Science Direct calling out false narratives around plastic pollution and emphasizing the real
solutions we need.
To connect, we’re working with our expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to amplify and uplift real solutions to plastic pollution. We just launched an exciting partnership with Oceanic Global to offer sustainability verification to our Business Members through the Blue Standard. By doing so, we establish and incentivize universal adoption of plastic-free and other environmentally responsible business
practices, and offer our members tangible recognition for the leadership they have already demonstrated in meeting PPC’s robust Criteria for Business Membership.
To advocate, we’re pushing for strong policies in the U.S. and globally that tackle plastic pollution at the source. In late May, I represented PPC at the second session of UN Global Plastics Treaty negotiations in Paris, France (INC-2). There is still much work to be done to ensure a strong treaty, which is why we need you to continue to pressure the U.S. and global leaders to make the most of this “once-in-a-planet opportunity.” In mid-June, PPC staff attended the “Capitol Hill Week of Action” organized by Oceana and the BFFP movement, where they joined 43 national advocates representing 30 organizations. The advocates participated in 93 meetings and a U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing on plastics and environmental justice. Together they worked to secure additional support for federal initiatives to address plastic pollution (e.g., Reducing Waste in National Parks Act) and generate awareness of bills that are expected to be reintroduced (e.g., the latest version of the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act, and Protecting Communities from
Plastic Act).
With so many exciting projects and partnerships keeping us busy, we are making space for our team to recharge during the first week of July. As we take this brief rest, we encourage you to do the same: if you are able, take time to log off, go outside, and visit your nearest waterway to connect with your “Blue Mind,” as our friend and PPC Scientific Advisor Dr. Wallace J Nichols reminds us is so important for our wellbeing. We must take care of
ourselves as we take action for a world free of plastic pollution—as you know, it’s hard work! Thank you for your continued support, we deeply appreciate it.

Jen Fela Vice President, Programs & Communications Plastic Pollution Coalition
P.S. In honor of Plastic Free July, please consider making a donation to support our work and help us Flip the Script on Plastics. |