Dear John,

The Republican Party is out of control.

20 members of the MAGA Republican Freedom Caucus have spent the last month holding the House hostage, preventing any bills from advancing to the floor and effectively stopping the work of your government in favor of retaliatory efforts against their own party’s leadership. Meanwhile:

  • Public schools are at risk of losing federal funding if local governments are using school facilities to house asylum seekers. 
  • Women in the 14 states that effectively ban abortion are facing the real-life consequences of these bans and having to make quick life-changing decisions about their reproductive futures. 
  • There have already been 332 mass shootings in 2023 and it is only the 179th day of the year.

To protect our public schools’ funding, the rights of asylum seekers, women’s reproductive rights, and Americans from gun violence, and to get back to work -- we need to win back the House in 2024. And we need all hands on deck to do it.


Donate to our campaign today and help Democrats come back strong in 2024 to fight for a fair future for everyone.

In solidarity, 


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