It’s been a half-century of progress for queer Americans. As a gay man raising children in America, I’m grateful for that every day. Still, there remains so much to fight for. Recent months have brought shocking levels of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation across the country, and queer people continue to face discrimination and roadblocks to living a full and free life.
Pride month is coming to an end, but the battle for equality never stops. I’m leaving June feeling energized and grateful to have my community by my side.
This is the exact energy we need as my campaign for Congress picks up speed. We aim to close out this fundraising quarter strong, and head into the next one ready to take the Idaho GOP by surprise to flip ID-02.
Can you pitch in $5, $10, or $25 right now to help me win this race?
Pride month was filled with events across the district, and I want to keep running this campaign exactly that way. But traveling, gathering staff and volunteers, and making and distributing the necessary campaign literature requires a well-funded operation, so I need your help now, more than ever.
The fight for LGBTQ+ equality is one of my biggest reasons for getting into this race – real representation is important and impactful. I want my kids and yours to see what it looks like for the American Congress to look like America itself.
If you can, please contribute to the campaign today. Every dollar counts and goes straight toward a people-focused campaign that makes real connections with voters.
One more time – HAPPY PRIDE from me and everyone here at Team Roth. I’m so grateful to have you with me.
David Roth