Hi there, friend – happy Wednesday! I wanted to reach out to you personally today!
But before I get into it, can you chip in $30 to give my campaign an extra EOQ boost?
I have been busy, going back and forth between D.C. and Sacramento, but I wouldn’t trade these cross-country flights for anything. I love being able to speak directly with the people of Sacramento, see what incredible things are happening around the Sacramento region, and also introduce legislation in Congress.
Being able to directly help you trumps any other job I could have! However, in order to remain in Congress, fighting the good fight, we do need to be consistent in hitting monthly, quarterly, and yearly fundraising goals.
Can you chip in $10 or $15 today to help me hit mine?
Quarterly goals are different from our other goals because with this, we have to report every dollar given to my campaign. That means there are plenty of people watching these numbers, and we have to impress those people.
So can you help us put out an impressive report on July first by donating any amount today?
I deeply appreciate your support.
– Doris Matsui
Paid for by Matsui for Congress