First, a major THANK YOU for your incredible letter writing and stockpiling efforts. As of today Vote Forward volunteers have already prepared more than 260,000 letters to send in October. We continue to be amazed and inspired by your commitment to getting out the vote in November.
Second, we wanted to let you know that we've added a new layer of 2020 GOTV campaigns to the Vote Forward website. The new campaigns cover all twelve of the Swing Left "Super States", and target Democratic-leaning registered voters who are unlikely to move soon and unlikely to vote in November. This brings the pool of available voters to adopt to about 2.7 million.
Adopt voters today
See all the available campaigns
Keep up the great work on the "Please vote" letters! Let's do everything we can to strengthen American democracy in 2020. And a sincere thank you as always for all of your efforts.
Warm Regards,
Scott & the Vote Forward team
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P.S. Signing in is now easier. Thousands of you participated in Vote Forward’s 2019 campaigns. We hope to see you back in action soon in this most consequential election year, and we’ve made some improvements on the website that should make it easier to get going: 1) It’s easier to change your password if you can’t remember it. And 2) If you created your account by clicking “Sign up with Google” or “Sign up with Facebook,” and consequently don’t have a password to reset, we’ll automatically remind you how to regain access.
P.P.S. Helpdesk Help. We're looking for volunteers to help us answer emails from fellow volunteers, potential volunteers, organizations, and the public. Do you have strong writing skills, a measure of tech savviness, six spare hours a week, and an interest in playing an important role with Vote Forward? If so please apply here.
P.P.P.S. Post photos of your stacks of stockpiled envelopes on social media! (Just make sure the addresses aren’t visible). If you tag us @votefwd or use the hashtag #VoteForward, we’ll amplify your posts. Let’s get this thing trending. Thank you!
P.P.P.P.S. Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️