Social Security Works. Period.
That’s it. That’s the bumper sticker.
Get yours today.
Support Social Security Works with a $10 donation today, and we’ll send you a sticker!
In solidarity,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
John, when FDR championed the Social Security Act nearly a century ago, half of all seniors lived in poverty. Today, that number is less than 10%. Social Security works. Period.
It's not just the name of our organization―it's a sentence that rebuts every Republican argument for dismantling the system that generations of Americans have built over nearly a century.
Now, you can support Social Security Works AND crush Wall Street talking points, all in one simple package. Get our brand new, union-printed Social Security Works sticker with a $10 donation today!
This is our first time offering merchandise. If you all like these, we’ll look into t-shirts, tote bags, and more.
Support Social Security Works with a $10 donation today, and we’ll send you a sticker!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works