From Citizens for Traditional Values <[email protected]>
Subject CTV Memo: National Marriage Week Special Edition
Date February 14, 2020 6:48 PM
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CTV News Update Join us in Celebrating National Marriage Week Today wraps up National Marriage Week, an event that is part of a larger movement focused on restoring value to traditional marriage within our culture. Because the family is the basic building block of society, the benefits of stability, health, and happiness that are found only in Biblical marriage are imperative to the long-term health of our communities. Here are four important truths to keep in mind: 1. Marriage is a good gift created by our good God. In the beginning, God created man and woman in His image and blessed them with the gift of the intimate fellowship that is found only in marriage between one man and one woman. That relationship was intended to mirror the true love and unity between God and man, as ultimately fulfilled in the redemptive relationship between Christ and the Church. 2. God's plan for healthy families starts with strong marriages. From Genesis 1, we see the command to be fruitful and multiple, and God's Word continues through both testaments to provide instruction on raising children inside the institutional construct for marriage. 3. Only God's plan for marriage is healthy. Marriage is a sacred, religious covenant between a man and a woman before God. Civil government does not have the authority to redefine a religious covenant. Any worldly variation that violates God's definition of marriage, be that heterosexual infidelity, polygamy, sex outside of marriage, or homosexuality, untimely leads to tragic, but predictable consequences that are unhealthy for both individuals and society. 4. Each of us has a responsibility to protect the sanctity of marriage. For those who are married, it means faithfully protecting that sacred relationship. For those who are single, it means obediently waiting and honoring God's plan. Cherish the institution of marriage wherever life finds you. Apply to Serve on the Citizen's Redistricting Commission & Help Ensure Fair Elections In November 2018, the people of Michigan enacted a constitutional amendment requiring that 13 randomly selected citizens serve an Independent Citizen's Redistricting Commission whose purpose will be to reshape the US House, State Senate, and State House districts. It is imperative that we get conservative Christians on this commission to ensure that districts are shaped fairly. An initial mailing inviting 250,000 randomly selected Michiganders to apply has already been sent, and now the Secretary of State is accepting applications from registered voters across the state. As followers of Christ, we are called to be faithful citizens through voting and participation in the political process. The Commission may be one way for people of faith to serve their fellow Michiganders. Take the time to prayerfully consider applying. For more information, please visit the SOS website or apply to the commission here. LGBTQ Initiatives Threaten Religious Liberty, Parental Rights, & Children's Health Michigan 2020 Ballot Initiative Civil rights activists in Michigan have launched a ballot initiative to expand the protections of the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act for the LGBTQ community. The problem with this policy and other similar efforts as the federal level in 2019, such as HR 5, is that creating a protected class for some ultimately creates reverse discrimination for others. This issue is laid out in a must-read piece by Mike Westfall of the American Family Association. He argues that if the ballot initiative succeeds, such policies could expose Christians who stand faithfully on God’s Word to prosecution for hatred and discrimination. Radical Feminists Oppose Transgender Rights However, the movement to erase gender threatens more than Christians. In lobbying for “equality,” the transgender+ movement threatens women. Radical feminists have been increasingly allying themselves with conservative organizations on a myriad of issues, recognizing that a “gender-less” system would eliminate safe spaces for biological women, such as restrooms, dressing rooms, or even gender segregated prisons, leaving females of all ages vulnerable. Groups like the Women’s Liberation Front have also partnered with conservatives to protect the physical health of children, who are increasingly being targeted by the transgender community. Transgender Medical Treatment for Children? Last week, doctors from Michigan, New York, and Washington advocated government intervention to allow access to "gender-affirming medical care," including synthetic hormones, puberty blockers, and irreversible surgeries. They suggest that parents who resist are guilty of child neglect and should be prosecuted accordingly. Some states, like South Dakota, are being proactive and actually working to criminalize medical treatment for children who currently express transgender behavior because such treatment can yield devastating developmental damage that is irreversible. MI Legislature Passes New Regulations on Marijuana Labels CTV applauds the Michigan Legislature's strong support of improved warning labels on both medical and recreational marijuana in HB 4126 and HB 4127. These bipartisan bills are important because phrases like "medical marijuana" and the substance's growing use are increasingly desensitizing people to the fact that it is still a dangerous drug. Even though marijuana is often recommended to expectant mothers suffering with morning sickness, the health risks to pre-born babies can include fetal injury, premature birth, developmental problems, and more. Risks to mothers and other users are further complicated because marijuana has no standardized formulation, recommended dosage, or consistent consumption method, which makes side-effects even hard to predict and control. The bills were presented to the governor on Wednesday. As a matter of public safety, CTV hopes that Governor Whitmer will waste no time in signing them into law. DONATE TO CTV Citizens for Traditional Values relies on the support of grassroots activists and concerned citizens who care about preserving, protecting, and promoting traditional values in Lansing and our local communities. Click here to donate now. Citizens for Traditional Values | PO Box 80295, Lansing, MI 48908 Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | About Constant Contact Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today!
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