From María Teresa Kumar <[email protected]>
Subject One of the best investments you can make to prepare for the 2024 election
Date June 28, 2023 2:30 PM
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It's hard to believe, but we're just about halfway through 2023. That means the 2024 election will be here before we know it.

I want to explain why making a donation to Voto Latino is one of the best investments you can make to prepare for 2024. It's a longer email, and I hope you'll read to the end; that said, if you're already on board, you can pitch in now. [[link removed]]

Voto Latino is the largest voter registration organization committed to reaching young people of color — and we're good at what we do.

* Since 2010, we've registered 1.2 million new voters.
* Thanks to our grassroots mobilization efforts, more than 75% of those we registered turned out to vote in 2020.
* In 2020, the number of voters registered in Arizona and Georgia exceeded the Democratic margin of victory , helping to flip both states blue in a presidential election for the first time in years.

None of this work would have been possible without grassroots supporters like you. As we head into 2024, we're facing our biggest challenge yet. That's why I'm asking: Will you donate now to help Voto Latino continue expanding the voter base by reaching young people in battleground states? [[link removed]]

There are a few stats you need to know to understand just how big of an impact our work could have on the next election.

* Every 30 seconds, another Latino young person turns 18
* Before the next election, more than 4 million young Latinos across the country will reach voting age — and many of them live in battleground states like Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
* According to a recent survey, more than three-quarters of young Latinos favor federal legislation to protect abortion rights.

With the help of supporters like you, Voto Latino can reach these young people, get them registered to vote, and mobilize them to cast a ballot for leaders who reflect our values. Together, we can build the most diverse and most pro-choice electorate in our nation's history.

There are a lot of potential new voters to reach, and that's why I'm asking you to help power our work. Every $24 donation helps us reach one more young Latino in a battleground state, so anything you can give will make a huge impact. Will you pitch in now? [[link removed]]


María Teresa Kumar

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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