Happy Pride Month
From the Illinois Greens!
As Pride Month winds down, we remember the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion. That event inspired grassroots organizations that grew into a nationwide Queer Liberation Movement known as Pride. Unlike the two Wall Street parties, the Green Party has always taken the position that we cannot compromise on issues of life or death for LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and other gender and romantic minority) communities. We believe that addressing the deep issues facing LGBTQIA+ communities today requires deep solutions.
Support LGBTQIA Rights with a donation of $19.69 in remembrance of the Stonewall Rebellion.
Just say no to corporate contributions!
If we all band together and stand united in solidarity, we can prove what democracy looks like! Another world is possible, but we will all need to be leaders.
Join the Illinois Green Party in mass organizing efforts at www.ilgp.org/membership. There are resources and opportunities available to help the power of the people grow!
Upcoming Events
June 29: Nuclear Energy Information Service -
A Night with the Experts
Alfred Meyer
Social Activist
Speaking on
Why Are We Still Going Nuclear?
Thursday, June 29, 2023
7pm CT
Registration for the Zoom Link is required: click here
The Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois will hold the Monthly Peace and Justice Vigil on Saturday, July 1, 2023, Noon to 1 P.M. at the corner of Main and Illinois Ave., Carbondale.
July 5: Online webinar starts at 7:30 CT
Join Dr. Jill Stein for an online discussion of U.S. health care with an esteemed panel of healthcare experts and advocate:
- Dr. Claire Cohen (National Single Payer) Problems with US Healthcare
- Don Fitz (Missouri Green Party) Lessons from Cuba
- Ryan Skolnick (California Nurses Association) CalCare, California’s State-Based Model
- Dr. Margaret Flowers (Health Over Profit) National Improved Medicare For All
- Dr. Jill Stein (Green Party’s 2012 and 2016 Presidential candidate) Moderator
Please contact Lauren Filla ([email protected]) with any questions or if your organization would like to co-sponsor this event by June 30.
The profit-driven U.S. healthcare system has produced staggering healthcare inequities, patient suffering and death, declining health outcomes, and massive medical debt.
A single-payer system would cover comprehensive health care for everyone from head to toe regardless of citizenship or employment. It will be free at the point of service and cost less than the current system.
Co-Hosts: Green Party of California & Missouri Green Party
- National Single Payer
- Oregon Physicians for a National Health Program
- International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement
- Uhuru Solidarity Movement
- GPAX, Peace and Action Committee of the Green Party
- Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO International Operations, LEPAIO
- Green Party of Washington
- Green Party of Florida
- Green Party of Illinois
- Green Party of St. Louis
- Green Party of Kansas City
- Real Progressives
- Attack the System
- Yellow Vest Action
- Green Party of Santa Clara County, CA
- Green Party of Santa Barbara County, CA
- San Jose Peace and Justice Center, CA
- Santa Clara County Single Payer Healthcare Coalition, CA
- South Bay Progressive Alliance, CA
- Green Liberty Caucus
July 15th: Illinois Single-Payer Coalition 2023 Annual Meeting on Saturday, July 15, from 10:30am-12pm. The event will be hosted virtually on Zoom and you can register here.
The Annual Meeting will feature guest speakers on various aspects of the Improved Medicare for All platform and ISPC campaign updates.
August 3 - 6:
RSVP Today for the Green Party USA National Meeting
For more information contact [email protected] or call/text 773-809-4547.
With peace,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
Run, Donate, or Volunteer Today!
#LiveGreen #GoGreen #ILGreens
Illinois Green Party | 747 E. Boughton Rd #227 |
Bolingbrook, IL 60440 773-809-4547 | info@ilgp.org
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