San Francisco needs faster, more reliable Muni service, but it shouldn't come at the expense of everyday riders. Excellent public transit is key to a livable, accessible, sustainable San Francisco.

The SFMTA is currently finalizing its upcoming budget, which will define what transit improvements are possible in the coming years. We need your help to make sure the SFMTA budget reflects the priorities of riders: better Muni service, no fare increases, and drivers pay their fair share.

The SFMTA budget process is an opportunity for us to shape the future of transit in San Francisco.

  • Increased service will create more rapid routes - like a 29R Sunset - and move us closer to our goal to connect all neighborhoods with frequent end-to-end service in 30 minutes by 2030.
  • Fares are already too high, hurting those with the least ability to pay, and existing discount programs leave out many who can't afford to pay $3 a ride. Let's freeze fares in the upcoming budget cycle.
  • To offset this fare freeze SFMTA should price evening and Sunday metering in busy commercial corridors to make drivers pay their fair share.

If SFMTA is serious about putting transit first and encouraging folks to get out of their cars, we shouldn’t be raising transit fares while parking is free. If we really want people to shift to public transit and recognize it as a public good, we need to find more equitable, sustainable funding. 

Read our full statement on the SFMTA budget.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]
