Fellow Conservative,

Saturday marked one year since the landmark SCOTUS ruling over Dobbs v. Jackson, rightly restoring to the American people their ability to defend the God-given right to life.
For sure; it’s a day of celebration, and thanks be to God.
In the decades that followed the Supreme Court’s tragic error in 1973, more than 62 million of our fellow Americans have been killed in the womb.
These are not just numbers, and they are not just developing clumps of cells.
These are extinguished human souls who were robbed of the chance to live, to grow, to seek the truth, and to leave their mark on this world.
And, try as some might, the only way to escape the light of that truth is through the smoke and shadows of inhuman euphemism.
To all the mothers who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and feel pressured to abort their child; please know that you are not alone. You have allies.
We need to be sure that we, as a community, reach out to these moms and let them know that they are valued; that their child is valued.
Join us in our fight for the unborn by ADDING YOUR NAME today.
Even if President Biden cannot see the gravity and the implications of this moment, my pro-life colleagues and I do.
Just as liberty is essential to life, life is essential to reaping the blessings of liberty. Both are essential to the true meaning of human happiness, that is truly living a life well-lived.
We will fight for lives the unborn and fight for every American's freedom to speak up and defend them.
That is our duty to this country, to our founders’ vision, and to generations of Americans left unborn.
Join our fight to protect human life by SIGNING OUR PETITION.

For Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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