Hi John,
I wanted to catch you this afternoon to remind you that the deadline to give toward the critical $413,800 goal is June 30th… only a few days from now.
I cannot emphasize enough how important meeting this goal is to the new year of ministry ahead.
Your gift this month will ensure that the year ends on a strong footing. And more importantly, that the next child is saved from abortion.
But don’t forget… I need to hear from you by June 30th to make that happen!
If you're able to give above and beyond TODAY, I really need your help. Will you give an immediate gift of $50, $100, or your best gift to ensure the rescue efforts will continue to run at full speed in the year ahead?
Proverbs 24:11 calls you and I to “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.”
That’s why I need your help TODAY to help raise the $413,800 that’s needed by June 30th. Your gift this month will ensure the year ends on a strong footing. But more importantly, your gift today will share #TruthAndLove with the next mom actively seeking an abortion.
And once she gets the hope and help she needs, she will be empowered to choose life.
But time is quickly running out, John.