Common Dreams has always relied on reader donations to fund our work, and so far, you’ve always come through. However, if we should ever fall short, it will be due to the unfortunate fact that only 1% of our readers ever make a donation.
We know people value our work because they come back again and again. And, of course, some readers truly can’t afford even a single small donation. We understand that, which is why our work isn’t paywalled and is always free to everyone.
But most people don’t donate, because they assume someone else will and they don’t have to. And that’s just not true.
We’re less than five days from the end of our Mid-Year Campaign, and if we don’t see a significant uptick in donations, Common Dreams will not survive. That’s not a gimmick. That’s not hyperbole.
If you’re not a member of the 1% for this campaign, please become one by donating today. Every gift—large, medium, or small—is vital to our survival.
We need you now. Please help keep us strong.
With solidarity and gratitude,
Kim, Jon, Craig, Julia, Brett, Kenny, Jessica, Olivia, Abby, and Jake
Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 20-3368194
Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to: Common Dreams, PO Box 443, Portland, ME 04112, United States
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