We’re excited to share an opportunity for you to make an even BIGGER impact on protecting the freedom to vote. 

Big news: For a limited time between now and June 30, a generous donor has offered to match donations to Fair Fight Action! 

That means your donation will go TWICE as far towards training pro-democracy volunteers, mitigating voter disinformation, advocating against anti-voter legislation, educating voters about their rights, and protecting the freedom to vote for elections to come.

And your doubled support would come at a vital time — especially as extremists across the country have introduced nearly 400 bills in 2023 that restrict voter access or election administration. 

If you feel fired up to push back against anti-voter extremists, now’s the time to make double the difference in meeting them head-on. Make a donation right now, and a generous donor will match it — but this opportunity only lasts through Friday.

Thank you so much,

The Fair Fight Action Team