Dear John,
Join us in the fight to #StopCopCity in Atlanta! The owning class in the city of Atlanta has decided to cut down 85 acres of forest to build a police militarization center that would train police around the country in urban warfare. This is their answer to decades of divestment and organized abandonment of a predominantly Black part of the city, and a direct response to the power of 2020 Uprisings. The people have a better answer: invest $67M in taxpayer money in true community safety: housing, education and basic needs. The stakes are high: the construction of this facility will embolden state-sanctioned movement suppression around the country. The defeat of this project will be a win for Atlanta and a model for movement ecosystems nationwide.
We’re supporting a broad coalition (including our campaign partners,the Movement for Black Lives and the Center for Popular Democracy) and a grassroots majority of Atlantans in the effort to Stop Cop City at the ballot box and build mass support for safety beyond policing in Atlanta and beyond! Join us: Two ways to take action this week -
Show up and share $$ at a Member-Led Briefing Friday June 30th 12pm ET/ 9am PT. Join an RGers in Atlanta and beyond to organize personal and family foundation money to support the Vote to Stop Cop City. “Organizers have less than 60 days to collect more than 70,000 petition signatures in Atlanta to get a referendum onto the November ballot to revoke the permit for Cop City. We’re asking RG members to collectively raise $250,000 to support the canvassing, signature collection, and outreach efforts needed to make this happen! Every gift counts, and we’re especially calling for contributions over $5,000. Moving money sooner than later allows the campaign to more meaningfully deploy these resources. If possible, please aim to give by July 7.”
If you’re ready to throw down, please use the following link. If you’re moving more than $5,000, reply to Campbell Wilks ([email protected]) and we’ll send over instructions to contribute via check/ACH/wire transfer. If you’re not able to attend the briefing but would like to set up some 1-1 time to plug in, please reach out to Claire Hannapel to schedule. ([email protected])
- Call on corporations to stop financing Cop City
If you directly own shares of UPS, Home Depot, Delta or other corporations associated with the Atlanta Police Foundation, urge company management to publicly withdraw financial and institutional support, including having appointed directors step down from board membership.
If you maintain exposure to the aforementioned companies through a mutual fund, reach out to your financial advisor and ask them to share this letter with firm management and encourage them to sign on.
- Urge your asset manager to join other investors in the commitment to stop financing the growth of the criminal legal system, including police foundations, across all asset classes.
In Solidarity, Nora, RG Campaign Director |