
It’s the end of the quarter, which means that the political establishment is obsessed with one thing, and one thing only: fundraising reports. We’re doing things differently. We’re launching our first Congressional Status Report to let you know who’s winning and who’s losing the fight for our democracy. Sixteen months until election day, the results are… mixed.

Democrats reported a $12 million fundraising advantage over Republicans in Q1. Still, with small-donor fundraising down from 2021, questions have been raised about whether both parties are raking in the dough or simply moving money around to generate impressive headlines.

According to the last generic ballot poll from Emerson College, Republicans currently enjoy a 1% point advantage over Democrats, which is effectively tied. However, due to gerrymandering, Democrats need a significant Generic Ballot advantage to enter the 2024 Congressional Elections as favorites to win back the House.

Regarding candidate recruitment, Republicans also have the edge with 13 more uncontested reelection races than Democrats. However, filing deadlines are still months away, most incumbents haven’t even filed for reelection, and we are struggling to keep up with the candidates signing up daily, so we expect these numbers to change dramatically, hopefully in Democrats’ favor.

And we need the help of the Operation 147 community to do it.

Tell us about the election in your district. Are you defending a Democratic incumbent or fighting to kick an insurrectionist out of office? Has a challenger filed yet in your district?

Please let us know NOW so that the Operation 147 community can assess where our members live and where we should concentrate our resources to make the biggest impact next November >>>

-Operation 147






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