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Independence. Justice. Liberty.
That’s what this country was founded on, and here at the Independent Institute, it’s what we stand for, too.
And what better way to celebrate all these ideas than with intellectually bold, thought-provoking Independent Institute books?
This fourth of July, take 40% OFF most of our fantastic titles.
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Crossroads for Liberty
Recovering the Anti-Federalist Values of America’s First Constitution
A thought provoking book that comes at an important time in American political life, and its reexamination of the American Founding presents a significant contribution to the story about America.
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Recarving Rushmore
Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty
Takes a distinctly new approach to evaluating each U.S. president on the merits of his policies and whether those strategies contributed to peace, prosperity, and liberty.
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Securing Civil Rights
Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms
Illustrates the importance of the right to bear arms in the context of the African-American experience during Reconstruction to protect their newly won civil liberties.
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The sale ends on July 5 – so hurry and order NOW!
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We don’t want you to miss this opportunity to celebrate our country and expand your intellectual horizon with any of our great books.
There’s nothing so patriotic as celebrating independent thought!
Happy Reading!
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