Does your home have a lawn? We want to hear from you.
Take a brief survey and enter into a drawing for an Amazon gift card.
Does your home have a lawn? If so, we?d love to hear from you. Take a brief survey at surveymonkey.com/r/9TYJT82
The West Sound Stormwater Outreach Group wants to make sure our programs meet the needs of our community, and we can?t do that without your feedback. The survey takes less than five minutes and in return, we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
The survey will only be available until July 17 so be sure to complete it soon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
About This Project
The West Sound Stormwater Outreach Group (otherwise called WSSOG) is a multijurisdictional partnership between Kitsap County, the cities of Bainbridge Island, Bremerton, Gig Harbor, Port Angeles, Port Orchard and Poulsbo.?These agencies work together on improving water quality by reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff, which are a major source of pollution to local waterways and Puget Sound. This survey is being jointly coordinated by WSSOG.
Stay Connected
Learn more about the natural yard care program at kcowa.us/naturalyardcare. For more information, call Kitsap1: 360.337.5777 or email: [email protected].