It's Valentine's Day and I want to share a few words of love for our EDF community.
It's Valentine's Day and I want to share a few words of love for our EDF community.
One of my favorite and most uplifting concepts in life is also one of the simplest — love conquers all.
In dark times and in times of doubt, love gives us hope for better days. When you’re confronted with hate or anger or division, love empowers you and brings us together. Love gives us all strength, meaning, joy.

On this Valentine’s Day, I just want to share my love for you and this powerful community of enlightened and engaged advocates for nature. We need to continue to support each other because we face so many grave challenges that often feel so overwhelming, so large, they test our resolve.

Just this week I read a heartbreaking story about the collapse of penguin colonies across much of the Antarctic over the last half century — some have declined by more than 75%. No surprise that scientists are turning to climate change as the underlying factor — warmer temperatures have led to less sea ice and warming oceans, which is reducing krill, a vital food source for penguins.

These sorts of stories take our breath away. I’m getting a lump in my throat writing these words.

But knowing that this community of more than 2.5 million members and activists stands together to demand action — and knowing that we can count on each other to keep the pressure on — it gives me that extra bit of energy to keep going.

Not to quote Huey Lewis here, but that’s the power of love. And I’m grateful.

So please, wherever you are reading this, put a smile on your face. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

With love and gratitude,

Sam Parry
Membership Director

Environmental Defense Fund

1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20009 | 800.684.3322

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