Here’s what’s stressing me out: soon, everything that we’ve raised to make Brandon Presley the next governor of Mississippi is going to be locked in to go public. Tate Reeves, reporters, and national pundits are all going to be watching to measure our strength.
But our fundraising numbers are dropping dangerously low. Take a look at our last few days:

We’re in serious danger of falling behind if we aren’t able to reverse this trend and raise $50,000 before the end of the month. Can I count on you to help turn our numbers around by rushing $25 before our end-of-quarter deadline on June 30?
I’ll be blunt: our campaign does not have as much money as Tate Reeves’ does. He’s spending millions of dollars on TV ads and spreading lies on the internet – but we don’t rely on billionaires and lobbyists to bankroll our team.
Our team is powered by small-dollar donations from grassroots supporters. That’s the right way to run a campaign, but it means we need to work even harder to keep up with Tate’s fundraising numbers.
It all comes down to this: If we see a surge of donations right now, we will have the resources to engage voters, train volunteers, travel to every corner of the state, and push back against Tate Reeves’ lies.
Please, can you chip in right now? I hope you’ll be a part of the surge of donations we need to crush our end-of-quarter fundraising.
I’m so grateful you’re in this fight with us.
Isaac Lampner
Finance Director, Brandon Presley for Mississippi