Dear Jack,

Survival’s Uncontacted Tribes Week 2023 has officially ended, and you – our supporters – have truly been a force for change. A huge thank you to everyone who got involved.

Your action has already helped bring change! More than 13,000 of you emailed Peruvian law-makers urging them to reject the “Genocide Bill” that would devastate Peru’s uncontacted tribes - and in the early hours of Saturday morning, they did! This bill has now been shelved, in a huge victory for Peru’s Indigenous peoples. Thank you for taking action!

Here is other incredible support you showed during this year’s week of action:
• More than 60,000 of you have signed our Uncontacted Tribes Pledge, calling on governments all over the world to recognize and protect the lands of uncontacted peoples so that they can survive and determine their own futures. 
• Over 13,000 of you have emailed Elon Musk, calling on him to pledge that Tesla will never buy minerals from the uncontacted Hongana Manyawa’s land on Halmahera Island, Indonesia.
• More than 28,000 of you have emailed the Brazilian government, urging them to protect the Kawahiva’s land and ensure their survival.
• On our newest campaign supporting the Shompen of Great Nicobar Island, 5,500 of you have emailed the Indian authorities demanding that the government’s catastrophic ‘Great Nicobar Project’ be halted and the Shompen’s lands be fully recognized and protected. 
• And you’ve raised much-needed funds this week to help Survival continue its work supporting uncontacted tribes all over the world.

These are amazing achievements, and we are so grateful for your support – this week and always.

But even though the week has come to an end, the fight is not over yet.

Please continue to share Survival’s work with your friends and family; sign our pledge; send our emails; and follow us on social media using the buttons below; and check out our shop – or contact us for other ways to get involved!

Thank you for standing in solidarity with uncontacted peoples all over the world this Uncontacted Tribes Week.


Caroline Pearce
Survival International


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Since 1969 | Supporters in over 100 countries
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