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‘Mr. X’ would not approve of China containment

By Daniel Larison on Jun 27, 2023 03:00 am

George Kennan would find the current trajectory toward confrontation with Beijing dangerous and unnecessary.
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Germany charts its course in unstable geopolitical waters

By Suzanne Loftus on Jun 27, 2023 03:00 am

Berlin’s new National Security Strategy is far more pragmatic than its critics are willing to admit.
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The MEK’s waning fortunes

By Eldar Mamedov on Jun 26, 2023 03:00 am

Following a raid on the fringe Iranian group’s base, it’s become clear that Western leaders view it as more of a liability than an asset.
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US-India ties look rosy, but beware of over-militarization

By Sarang Shidore on Jun 26, 2023 03:00 am

Washington should focus on providing greater economic support to aid New Delhi's rise and maintain a multipolar Asia.
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Putin: Disastrous but indispensable for the system he created?

By Anatol Lieven on Jun 25, 2023 05:56 pm

The Wagner insurrection has raised serious questions about not only the durability of Putin’s role, but also that of the regime that he has built.
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NATO’s Article 5 does not override Congress’s war powers

By Senator Rand Paul on Jun 22, 2023 10:48 am

We must make clear that 'an attack on one is an attack on all' does not automatically trigger a US military response.
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