‘Rights of nature’ would erode rights of individuals

Environmental activists in Florida seek to do something never done before in American law: They want to give the Santa Fe River a “right of nature” to sue anyone that injures it. If you think that sounds crazy, you’re not alone: No American court has recognized the “rights” of natural resources to sue.

Mark Miller cautions that if the activists succeed, it will erode the only rights courts should recognize—the rights of individuals.

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The Hill: Mandatory ‘woman quotas’ undermine Justice Ginsburg’s fight for equality

In the opening scene of the documentary RBG, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg famously quotes abolitionist-feminist Sarah Grimke. “I ask no favor for my sex,” she says. “All I ask of my brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.”

Sadly, as Anastasia Boden explains, this view of equality is falling out of vogue among advocates who believe the government not only must provide equal opportunity for women; it must forcibly ensure that women are hired in equal numbers to men.

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This entrepreneur is suing for the right to transport hospital patients across state lines


Most people would pay little attention to an ambulance with a “For Sale” sign sitting on the side of the road. But when Phillip Truesdell spotted the ambulance, he saw a business opportunity.

Two years later, Phillip and his family have grown their Ohio-based Legacy Medical Transport business to seven ambulances, shuttling patients to their non-emergency medical appointments more than 1,500 times a year.

Phillip’s success story captures our nation’s entrepreneurial spirit. But in her piece for the Foundation for Economic Education, Mollie Williams explains that Kentucky ambulance operators just across the river don’t see it that way. They see Truesdell as a threat to their business and their stranglehold on the market.

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