From Indivisible Team <[email protected]>
Subject Impending SCOTUS rulings, Pride in our LGBTQ+ leaders, & weekly updates
Date June 26, 2023 9:53 PM
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In what feels like déjà vu from just a year ago, the MAGA majority of the
Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is preparing to hand down 10 decisions by the end
of this week which may have drastic effects on our lives. We are currently
focusing on four of them which cover:

* [ [link removed] ]Student debt relief
* [ [link removed] ]Religious objections to LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination laws
* [ [link removed] ]Affirmative action
* [ [link removed] ]And the independent state legislature theory.

To say that negative outcomes in these cases could have catastrophic
consequences on the future of our country would be an understatement.
Unfortunately, less than a week after the anniversary of the Dobbs
decision, we know that we cannot always expect the extremist Supreme Court
to come down in favor of the American people. 

A ruling against affirmative action could severely undermine efforts to
achieve equity in education by banning the use of race conscious
admissions in higher education. An adverse ruling would set back efforts
to shrink the education gap between white and non-white Americans and
force universities to return to “race-neutral” admissions systems that
have been proven to be insufficient in improving diversity on campus. If
the Supreme Court rules the way we expect them to, they’ll be reverting
college campuses to a time when opportunities for students of color were
nearly non-existent.

If Biden’s student debt relief is overturned, borrowers will be hit with a
double whammy of loan repayments restarting this fall with no relief
applied to the underlying debt. This would be devastating timing for
borrowers, especially as we’re still climbing out of a recession. 

The LGBTQ+ community could see another wave of discrimination head their
way if vendors are able to refuse them service based on “religious”
objections to laws that are meant to protect us. 

And finally, the court could adopt what’s known as the [ [link removed] ]“independent
state legislature” theory, a fringe legal theory that would grant broad
authority to state legislatures to control the outcome of elections,
rather than the will of the people. 

If this all sounds deeply upsetting, it should. Any one of these cases on
their own would be a step back for our country, but combined they
represent a horrific attack on our civil liberties and our democracy, and
we are not holding our breath that this MAGA court will do the right

SCOTUS has a decision day scheduled for tomorrow, June 27, but will almost
certainly add more before the week is through and the session comes to a
close. Along with partners including the League of Conservation Voters,
Demand Justice, Stand Up America, Take Back the Court, People’s Parity
Project, and more, [ [link removed] ]we will be holding a Twitter space on Friday, June
30 at 1pm ET/10am PT to talk about the potential impacts of these critical
rulings (and of course, the ongoing corruption of the justices

Join us to catch up on the state of play following this week’s decisions
and talk about next steps. 

With that, here are your weekly to-dos:


 Your 3 weekly to-dos 

 1. [ [link removed] ]Contact your senator and demand they cosponsor the Judiciary Act of
2023. SCOTUS is stacked with justices handpicked by MAGA Republicans
and dark money groups, and it is running out of control. This court
has too much power to be ignored, and if we want our government and
its policies to reflect the will of our beautifully diverse country,
we must restore SCOTUS to a place of legitimacy. Senators Markey and
Smith have reintroduced the Judiciary Act of 2023 to add four justices
to the bench and undo decades of conservative court-packing. Call your
senator and make sure they are signed on today. 
 2. When you’re done calling your senator, [ [link removed] ]call your representative and
demand they cosponsor the Judiciary Act of 2023. The MAGA-packed court
has already gutted the Voting Rights Act, attacked workers’ rights,
chipped away at environmental protections, struck down gun safety
laws, and perhaps worst of all, overturned Roe v. Wade. This week, we
are preparing for them to strip away more rights from the people while
we look on in horror. We must do everything that we can to unrig the
Republican court. [ [link removed] ]Check here to see if your representative has
signed on as a cosponsor; if not, call them today!
 3. If you have a Republican representative (or are represented by Henry
Cuellar), [ [link removed] ]demand they protect abortion rights. House Democrats
have introduced a discharge petition to get around Kevin McCarthy and
force a vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act which would restore
abortion protections nationwide. [ [link removed] ]The majority of Americans support
access to safe abortions and that number continues to rise. Every
Democrat except for Cuellar has signed on the discharge petition, we
need just seven more signatures to force the vote. Call your
Republican representative today. 

P.S. If you've completed your weekly to-do's and are looking for more ways
to support this movement, [ [link removed] ]consider making a donation today. Your
contribution will help keep our call pages up and running, fund the tools
we use to mobilize volunteers, and continue all the work we're doing this


[ [link removed] ]Indivisible logo in Pride colors

Republicans have doubled-down on their disgusting attacks on the LGBTQ+
community this year.

Through things like book bans, drag bans, and attacks on gender affirming
care, Republicans are stoking the fires of prejudice and hate against the
LGBTQ+ community to consolidate their base, win elections, and pass even
more draconian policies. 

Democrats are fighting back all across the country, but none more so than
our LGBTQ+ legislators who are facing these hateful attacks beyond the
realm of policy as Republicans attack their very existence. Whether it’s
[ [link removed] ]Megan Hunt in Nebraska, [ [link removed] ]Zooey Zephyr in Montana, [ [link removed] ]Tammy Baldwin
in Wisconsin, or [ [link removed] ]Ian Mackey in Missouri, LGBTQ+ legislators are being
made to step up and fight for equal rights for themselves, their friends,
their families, and their children. 

Let’s show them some love!

We want to take a little time this Pride month to ensure that Indivisibles
across the country are being vocal in support of their incredible LGBTQ+
legislators and leaders -- because we support their heroic efforts, yes!
But we also support their individual rights to exist and thrive without
the sort of hateful policies being pursued by the MAGA right. 

Here’s what you can do:

 1. [ [link removed] ]Find out if you have any out LGBTQ+ legislators currently serving
here. If you want to highlight an LGBTQ+ leader who is not a
legislator (a journalist, artist, activist, etc.) we’d love to compile
those too, but we know that folks aren’t always sure if their
legislator is part of the LGBTQ+ community and wanted to make sure you
had a tool to find out!
 2. [ [link removed] ]Use this form to share your message of appreciation. We are hoping
to compile as many messages as we can to show our LGBTQ+ leaders that
Indivisibles will stand by their sides in the fight against these
horrific attacks. Use this form to send us your message of
appreciation so that we can put it in a fun graphic to share. Here’s
what they will look like:

[ [link removed] ]Sample graphic from Katie in Bloomington, Illinois. Text reads 'I am
truly touched by Zooey Zephyr’s willingness to sit in the hall and work
when she was kicked out of her chamber! Thank you for your tenacity and
for bearing so much to work for your constituents. YOU ARE A TRUE HERO!'

It’s more important than ever that we are vocal and visible in support of
our LGBTQ+ leaders. As they are standing on the front lines, they need the
support of seeing that there is a community of activists standing with
them ready to fight.

This past weekend saw massive Pride parades across the country. In many of
these places, politicians marched alongside bikers and drag queens in
support of the LGBTQ+ community. Our LGBTQ+ leaders are at the forefront
of the fight for equality, and that puts them at the forefront of the
danger. We cannot take the burden they are carrying lightly. Take a moment
of your day today to show your support for the fight and thank your local
LGBTQ+ leaders. 



***In the 2023 Indivisible Guide, one of the most important things we
wanted to see was our representatives show up as fighters! We need
representatives that work for the people, not just their bank accounts
and special interests! So, why not highlight those fighters? We Love To
See It! will highlight the work being done by reps fighting for everyday
people’s well being, advancing democracy, and/or protecting personal
freedoms. Let’s stand up for our representatives when they stand up for
us! We Love To See It!***


Rep. Mark Pocan, WI-02

[ [link removed] ]Image of Rep. Pocan addressing the room. Tweet reads: The @HouseGOP is
trying to ban Pride flags at @DeptVetAffairs facilities because it's 'too
woke.' Not on my watch. If you're gonna take on the 'culture war,' why not
go all out?

After fighting for months to cut medical care for veterans while
presenting themselves as the pro-military party, Republicans are now
focusing their attention on banning Pride flags at the Department of
Veterans Affairs facilities. Rep. Pocan reminds them that, “looking at a
Pride flag will not make you gay,” while highlighting their ridiculous
standards by pointing out that Bud Light, Chick-Fil-A, Nascar, the NFL,
and MLB will all need to be banned too for celebrating Pride month.
[ [link removed] ]Check out Rep. Pocan’s incredible speech here.


President Joe Biden

[ [link removed] ]Tweet from IBEW marking Biden's help reads: Without making a big show
of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation
and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed
paid sick days for all railroad workers.

If you remember back to last November, we were on the precipice of a
railway strike across the country when President Biden stepped in and
called on Congress to institute an emergency agreement. That agreement
fell short of offering the rail workers any sick days -- a key part of
their negotiating package. In the time since, President Biden and his
administration have continued to work behind the scenes to ensure rail
workers have paid sick days and this spring they have achieved that goal.
[ [link removed] ]Read this message from the IBEW for updates.


**Bonus Points: If you see your rep showing up as a fighter and want to
highlight them, reply to this email with a link to the story and we
might feature it in our next Newsletter.**


 National Events 

[ [link removed] ]RSVP for our Truth Brigade: Summer Plans webinar this Wednesday, June
28 at 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT. We have big plans for this summer -- hope you
do too! Summer’s a time to relax, reset -- and celebrate! Join us as we
outline our expectations for the summer disinformation landscape, launch
your new "Summer of Progress Toolkit," and preview our Truth Sandwich
messages for July and August.


 IndivisiWin of the Week 

[ [link removed] ]A collage of images of Indivisible Shawnee at Southern Illinois Pride
from a Facebook post that reads: Indivisible Shawnee was fortunate to have
a table at the Southern Illinois Pride Festival today. It was a fantastic
event! The children loved all the fun goodies we had for them and we had
an amazing amount of people wanting to sign our message to Congressman
Mike Bost, telling him to support all of his constituents regardless of
his outrageous personal opinions. We will be delivering our message in
person before the month's end so keep an eye out for that date and join

Indivisible Shawnee in southern Illinois with a table set up at Southern
Illinois Pride fest!

Follow us on [ [link removed] ]Facebook, [ [link removed] ]Twitter, and [ [link removed] ]Instagram to keep up on
the latest information, and text “INDIVISIBLE” to 59798 to opt-in to our
text messaging program where we send rapid response actions a few times a

The remaining SCOTUS decisions could begin coming down as early as
tomorrow and we cannot do anything to stop them. Let’s make sure we’re
never in this position again, call your Rep and let’s make sure we unrig
this court before the country reaches a point of no return. Now is the
time to act.

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

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